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Feed Title: Sermons from New Hope Community Church
The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams


Title:  The Logic of Kingdom Giving
Description: Jesus reveals the importance of Kingdom giving with simple but stunning logic.
Release Date: 07/21/2024

Title:  The Tension Between Unity and Truth
Description: Learning discernment when standing for the truth threatens to effect the unity of the church.
Release Date: 07/21/2024

Title:  The Assembly of the Firstborn
Description: Celebrating both the privilege and the responsibility of the blessing of being part of the New Testament church.
Release Date: 07/14/2024

Title:  On Judgment and Mercy
Description: Analyzing the tension between judgment and mercy, and the simple solution that even a dishonest steward can see.
Release Date: 07/07/2024

Title:  The Every-Day Apostler
Description: Learning from the example of Epaphroditus the value of being an every-day saint.
Release Date: 07/07/2024

Title:  The Elder Son's Remonstrance
Description: Probing the significance of the elder son's reaction to his father's offer of grace.
Release Date: 06/30/2024

Title:  The Prodigal's Redemption
Description: Exploring the dramatic return of the prodigal son to his father-- expecting judgment but receiving grace!
Release Date: 06/23/2024

Title:  The Prodigal's Repentance
Description: Analyzing the nature of true repentance when the prodigal son 'comes to himself'.
Release Date: 06/16/2024

Title:  Paul's Kindred Spirit
Description: Learning from the attributes and virtues of godly men like Timothy.
Release Date: 06/16/2024

Title:  The Prodigal's Rebellion
Description: Analyzing the rebellion and radical corruption of the Prodigal Son.
Release Date: 06/09/2024

Title:  The Joy of Suffering
Description: Paul uses Old Testament imagery to explain how he can rejoice in the midst of suffering.
Release Date: 06/02/2024

Title:  Restoring the "Imago Dei"
Description: Jesus tells a parable of the joy in heaven when sinners are restored to the Image of God.
Release Date: 05/26/2024

Title:  Lights in a Perverse World
Description: Paul establishes goals to help Christians and churches prepare themselves to be Lights in a perverse world.
Release Date: 05/19/2024

Title:  Counting the Cost of Discipleship
Description: Learning to evaluate the terms and therefore the cost of what it means to be a Christian.
Release Date: 05/12/2024

Title:  Terms of Discipleship
Description: Learning the terms of discipleship in order to truly follow Jesus rather than just "accompany" Him.
Release Date: 05/05/2024