Defending the Heart of the Gospel
by Rev. Kirby Williams
Deconstructing the "deconstruction" of the Sacrificial Substitutionary Atonement of Christ.
Text: Luke 9:21-22
Date: 01/29/2023, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 92
For the first time in Luke's Gospel, Jesus reveals the inevitability of His Passion to His apostles. This stunning announcement seems to stand in sharp contrast to the profound confession just made by Peter, that Jesus is the "Christ of God". But in this statement, Jesus expresses the underlying reason for His Incarnation-- the consummation of all Redemptive History, the reversal of the curse of the Fall, the redemption of sinners, and the reconciliation between God and those made in His Image. This will be accomplished through His Crucifixion and subsequent Resurrection in a process (and doctrine) known as the Sacrificial Substitutionary Atonement. But this very core doctrine of Christianity has come under blistering attack by a growing number of so-called "evangelicals". Therefore, after making our way through the text we will defend the Sacrificial Substitutionary Atonement of Christ from Scripture, and thereby defend the very heart of the Gospel.
I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 9:21-22.
A. Context
B. Revealing the full-orbed Christ.
1. The charge of secrecy, vs. 21.
a. Probing the reason.
i. His time had not yet come, Acts 2:23, Luke 9:51.
ii. The so-called "Messianic Secret".
iii. A judicial reason, Luke 8:10.
iv. An incomplete Gospel.
b. The Christological significance, Matt. 16:17.
2. Jesus reveals the prophecy of His Passion, vs. 22.
a. The Messianic title.
b. The inevitability of the Passion, Gal. 1:8-9.
c. The rejection and suffering.
d. The Crucifixion & Resurrection.
C. Interpretation: The Christology of the Sacrificial Substitutionary Atonement.
1. An important discussion.
a. A deeply doctrinal discussion.
b. A discussion of crucial doctrine.
2. The Problem, Rev. 20:12, Isa. 64:6, Rom. 3:10-12.
3. The Solution.
a. Atonement, Rom. 3:23, Ezek. 18:4, Rom. 6:23.
i. The fallacy of "manmade atonement". Rev. 14:11, Matt. 25:46.
ii. The wisdom of God's atonement, Mark 10:45, Rev. 5:9, Rom. 3:23-25, 1John 4:9-10.
b. Sacrificial.
i. The Old Testament model, Heb. 9:22, Jer. 31:34.
ii. The New Testament reality, Heb. 10:4, 9:11-14, 10:10-14.
iii. Why this so important, Matt. 26:39.
c. Substitutionary
i. The Old Testament model.
ii. The New Testament reality, Isa. 53:4-6,12; 1Cor. 5:7; Heb. 9:26,28; Rev. 5:9; Matt. 20:28.
iii. The acceptance of a substitute, Mal. 1:8-10.
4. The work of the GodMan.
III. Application, Gal. 1:8-9.
IV. Conclusion