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Introduction To Evenfall

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Introducing the thoughts behind our Evenfall Service.

Text: Acts 2:41-42
Date: 06/04/2023, the Evening service.
Series: "Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship" Part 1

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After a three year hiatus brought on by the pandemic, we finally resumed our Sunday evening services on June 4, 2023. The service has been renamed "Evenfall" which simply is a way of identifying that the service is held as the Lord's Day comes to an end. We will start slowly with a single service a month over the summer but soon plan to resume our "first and third" Sundays of the month schedule that we maintained for many years before the pandemic. Our service will be fashioned after what we know about the germinal church from Acts 2:42. So each meeting will include a time of prayer, a time of fellowship, the observance of Communion, and a message based on the apostle's teaching. In this introductory message we will concentrate on the ideas that form the crux of this form of worship as we seek to glorify God in the way the pristine church did in its germinal years.

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I. Introduction, Gen. 2:23, Jer. 31:32, Isa. 61:10, 2Cor. 5:17.
II. Exposition of the text, Acts 2:41-42.
A. Context. Acts 1:5,8, 2:2-4, 36-39.
B. Aspects of the Evenfall worship paradigm.
1. A mass of conversions, vs. 41.
a. A church of true believers.
b. The pristine church.
2. Four attributes of the germinal church, vs. 42.
a. Devoted to the Word.
i. Defining "the Apostle's teaching".
• Bearing witness of Jesus, Acts 2:36, John 14:26, 17:14,17.
• Grounded in the Old Testament, Luke 24:27.
• Preaching the Resurrection, Acts 2:31-32.
ii. A deep devotion to the Word.
b. The Koinonia.
i. Defining the word, John 17:21, 13:35.
ii. Noticing the article.
c. The Communion
i. A normal meal, Acts 2:46, Luke 9:16, 24:30.
ii. A deeper meaning, Luke 22:19.
iii. Forming our own opinion.
d. The prayers.
i. Formal, corporate prayers.
ii. Thoughts on corporate prayers.
III. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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