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"Soli Deo Gloria" Prayers

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Learning from Jesus that the ultimate purpose of prayer is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever!

Text: Luke 11:9-13
Date: 07/16/2023, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 113

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Jesus wraps up this illuminating discussion of prayer with a command, a promise, an illustration, and a summarizing premise. Together with the model prayer and the poignant parable of the unexpected guest, they teach disciples in all ages how to pray as Jesus prayed. Although these are some of the most revealing words concerning prayer in the Gospels, they are also some of the most mis-understood, mis-interpreted and mis-used words in Scripture. We will carefully make our way through the various aspects of Jesus' teaching, and attempt to answer the question: "What is the main purpose of prayer?" Is it to get what we want? Or is it ultimately for the glory of God and the furtherance of His Kingdom? I don't think you will be surprised with the answer, as we learn to "ask, seek and knock" with "Soli Deo Gloria" prayers!

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 11:9-13.
A. Context
1. The model prayer, vs. 1-4.
2. The parable, vs. 5-8, Psa. 23:4.
B. The nature of sanctified petitions, vs. 9-10.
1. The redeemed petition.
2. The mechanics of supplication.
a. Overview
b. "Ask"
i. The importance of asking.
1) A prayer of dependence, Matt. 6:8.
2) A prayer of thanksgiving.
3) A prayer of trust.
ii. The promise to receive.
c. "Seek"
i. Asking in action.
ii. The promise to find, Jer. 29:13, Acts 17:26-28.
d. "Knock"
i. Asking and seeking with perseverance.
ii. The promise of an open door, Luke 18:2-5, Rev. 6:9-11.
3. Understanding the principle, James 4:2-4.
C. The illustration of a father's gifts, vs. 11-12.
D. The underlying premise, vs. 13.
1. Mankind's obvious depravity.
2. The gifts of the totally depraved.
3. The infinite jump from lesser to greater, Matt. 7:11, James 1:2-3.
4. The gift of the Spirit.
III. Application
A. Summation
B. Application to Jesus' model prayer.
1. Ask, seek, and knock to love the Father more.
2. Ask, seek, and knock for Godly holiness.
3. Ask, seek, and knock that His Kingdom will come.
4. Ask, seek, and knock in dependance and thanksgiving for daily needs.
5. Ask, seek, and knock for the glory of forgiveness.
6. Ask, seek, and knock for protection through sovereign omnipotence.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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