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The Gathering Storm

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Recognizing the need for sanctified saints to stand against satan's unified kingdom of evil.

Text: Luke 11:14-20
Date: 07/23/2023, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 114

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After an extended section on the process of sanctification through the means of grace, and particularly the importance and power of prayer; Luke abruptly changes focus to a confrontation in which Jesus is accused of working His mighty miracles through the power of Beelzebul (or satan). Using pristine logic, Jesus dispels their argument by revealing the unified nature of the devil's kingdom of darkness that until His arrival had held most of the world in its iron grip. But all that is about to change forever, for "the Kingdom of God is upon them!" We will analyze both the logic of Jesus' argument and the profound significance of His proclamation concerning the Kingdom of God-- a glorious blessing to the saints, but an ominous warning to the agents of evil. But as we will see, when the Light of Christ shines in the darkness-- the darkness fights back. Therefore Jesus will need strong, sanctified, and battle-ready saints who are willing and able to stand against the gathering storm!

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I. Introduction, Gen. 3:15.
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 11:14-20.
A. Context
B. The accusation of demonic power.
1. The mute man speaks, vs. 14.
a. A distinct exorcism.
b. The nature of the possession, Psa. 68:18.
c. The initial reaction.
2. The accusation, vs. 15-16.
a. Identifying the detractors, Mark 3:22.
b. The nature of the accusation, 2Kings 1:3.
c. The audacious blasphemy, John 7:20, 8:48,52, 10:20, Matt. 23:27-28.
3. The extraordinary logical response, vs. 17-19.
a. The general premise, vs. 17.
i. Knowing their thoughts, vs. 17a, John 2:24-25.
ii. The proverb, vs. 17b.
1) A kingdom divided will be laid to waste.
2) A city or house divided cannot stand.
a) The city.
b) The house.
b. Applying the principle to the kingdom of satan, vs. 18a.
c. Turning on the antagonists, vs. 18b-19.
i. Noticing the language.
ii. Were the exorcisms valid?
iii. Making the connection.
iv. Judging themselves.
4. The ominous truth, vs. 20.
a. Looking at the words.
i. Turning the tables.
ii. A powerful "if-then" statement, John 14:15.
iii. The Finger of God, Ex. 31:18, 8:18-19.
iv. The necessary conclusion.
b. Analyzing the logic.
i. The first premise.
ii. The second premises.
iii. The true conclusion.
c. Having the mind of Christ, 1Cor. 2:16.
III. Application
A. Recognizing the inevitability of the storm, John 15:18-20, Luke 10:18, Matt. 4:16, Eph. 4:8, Rev. 12:12,17.
B. The need for unity in the church, Rev. 12:7, Eph. 6:12-13.
IV. Conclusion
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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