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The Logic of Kingdom Giving

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Jesus reveals the importance of Kingdom giving with simple but stunning logic.

Text: Luke 16:9-13
Date: 07/21/2024, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 157

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In this passage, Jesus gives His disciples practical instructions concerning the handling of "unrighteous wealth" as a poignant application to the parable of the dishonest steward. The focus is clearly on the "here and now" in that the instructions are concerning worldly riches. But it is also expanded to include the "not yet" as the ultimate impact of stewardship is eschatological and indeed eternal. Jesus will not use threats or guilt to instruct His disciples how to handle the necessary resources required for the work of the Kingdom. But rather He uses pristine logic to ask and answer a sequence of questions. We will closely analyze these propositions and principles and find that this passage is perhaps the most powerful and direct discussion of Kingdom Stewardship we will find in the Gospels. Underlying all this will be the question: "How completely do you believe what you say you believe"? The answer is profoundly reflected in the way you respond to the logic of Kingdom Giving?"

View:  Options: 

I. Introduction, Luke 11:17-20.
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 16:9-13.
A. Context, Luke 12:31-34.
B. A logical approach to stewardship.
1. The value of "unrighteous wealth", vs. 9.
a. Looking at the words.
i. A new thought.
ii. The mammon of unrighteousness.
1) The idea of unrighteousness.
2) The definition of "mammon".
iii. Eternal dwellings.
1) Continuing the eschatological.
2) Defining "dwellings", Heb. 8:1-2, 9:11-12.
b. The interpretation.
i. Making friends with "unrighteous wealth".
1) Two distinct value systems.
2) The eternal value of apostling, Luke 12:19-21.
ii. The glorious welcome, Luke 16:4.
iii. Two extraordinary thoughts.
1) Heavenly connections.
2) Being careful to invest wisely, Luke 8:17.
2. Faithful in little and much, vs. 10, Matt. 25:21.
a. The disposition of the soul.
b. Putting it in perspective, Mark 12:42-43.
3. The blessing of "true riches", vs. 11-12.
a. Observing the parallelism.
i. Two if-then statements.
ii. The "if" questions.
1) Ownership in a worldly perspective, Luke 12:18-9; 1Sam. 25:11.
2) Ownership in a Kingdom perspective, 1Chr. 29:14.
iii. The "then" answers.
1) What it DOES NOT mean.
2) What it DOES mean.
a) Defining the "riches" of the Kingdom of God.
b) An even deeper question.
4. Clarification, vs. 13.
a. A servant with two master.
b. Driving the masters apart.
i. Love and hate.
ii. Devotion and disdain.
c. The clarification of the proclamation.
i. The meaning of the word "mammon".
ii. Serving the Creator rather than the created.
III. Application
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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