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Lessons on Kingdom Significance

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Jesus teaches practical and spiritual lessons concerning Kingdom significance and those who will ultimately enter the Kingdom of God.

Text: Luke 18:15-17
Date: 11/24/2024, the Combined service.
Series: "Luke: Thy Kingdom Come" Part 171

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As Jesus and His disciples make their way towards Jerusalem and the Cross, they stop along the way while parents bring their babies and young children to Jesus to be blessed. Considering this to be a nuisance, the disciples try to block the children from coming to Jesus. But the Lord immediately turns the situation around, rebukes His disciples and summons the children to come to Him-- unimpeded and without hesitation. He then uses the situation to teach His disciples several valuable lessons concerning the ministry of the church and who will ultimately gain entry into the Kingdom of God. We will evaluate these lessons focusing on Jesus' love of the marginalized, what He means when He says "child-likeness" is a Kingdom-requirement, and his strict warning for His disciples (and therefore the church) to never, ever create roadblocks for those He is drawing to Himself. Considered together, and placed in the context of the parables that surround it, these are profound and powerful lessons on Kingdom significance.

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I. Introduction, Matt. 7:13-14; Luke 13:23-24; Acts 14:22.
II. Exposition of the text, Luke 18:15-17.
A. Context
1. An overview of the Kingdom, Luke 17:20.
2. Those who will and will not enter, Luke 18:14.
a. Those who will enter.
b. Those who will not enter.
B. The living parable of Jesus and the children.
1. Setting the scene, vs. 15.
a. "Two sets of eyes".
b. Coming to Jesus.
i. Identifying the "where".
ii. Identifying "they".
iii. A regular event, Luke 5:18; Matt. 8:16.
iv. Identifying the children.
1) A word meaning "infant", Luke 2:12, 1:41.
2) The plight of children in general.
v. The purpose of the visit, Matt. 9:13.
1) An interesting "root" meaning, Luke 5:13, 22:55; Acts 28:2; Matt. 3:11.
2) Conveying a blessing, Gen. 48:14-15.
3) Setting apart for a purpose, Deut. 34:9; Acts 13:2-3.
c. The disciples' rebuke.
i. A harsh warning, Luke 4:39, 8:24, 9:42.
ii. Pondering the reason, Matt. 15:23; Luke 9:54.
iii. A literal and figurative "roadblock".
1) Like the Pharisees, Matt. 23:13.
2) An unacceptable position for disciples!
2. Jesus loves and blesses little children, vs. 16.
a. Turning the situation around.
i. Summoning the children, Acts 6:2; Mark 10:14.
ii. Unimpeded access.
1) A sign of deep love and significance.
2) Going deeper.
a) Through our literal eyes.
b) Through our figurative eyes, Luke 17:2.
b. The "citizens" of the Kingdom of God, Matt. 5:3.
3. Who will enter the Kingdom of God, vs. 17.
a. Looking at the words.
i. The "unmodified" truth formula.
ii. The all-inclusive "whoever".
iii. The importance of "receiving".
iv. Receiving the Kingdom of God.
v. Like a child.
vi. Entering the Kingdom, Matt. 5:20, 7:21; Luke 18:25; John 3:5, 14:6; Mark 10:24.
b. Probing the meaning.
i. What it does not mean.
ii. What it does mean, John 3:3.
III. Application
A. A message to the unbeliever.
B. A message for the church.
1. The things we do.
2. The things we don't do.
3. The way we worship.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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